Healing from Codependency through Inner Child Meditation
Last view videos were about steps to healing from Codependency. We talked about Acceptance being the first step and then learning to know yourself, your boundaries, needs and emotions.
Today it is about healing through Meditation. In the meditation you will be guided to relax your body and mind and then taken on a journey back in time to when you were a child.
And whatever damage has been done to you then by your Parents or Caregivers, we are going to heal in the meditation.
The brain cannot distinguish between a real-life event and an imagined event and it has no sense of time. Therefore you are able to create change, on a meaning for example that you have given a certain event back in your childhood.
As a result, that meaning might have caused a limiting belief like:
?I am not good enough?, ?I am not loved?, ?I don?t belong?.
These by the way are the 3 Universal Fears and everybody suffers from them.
The goal I want you to reach, is to be able to let go of limiting beliefs that don?t serve you anymore or letting go of negative feelings that are holding you back, coming from events in your childhood.
Very often I hear from clients that they cannot control their anger. What we find out next is, that the anger is covering a fear.
Not long ago, I coached a client who was left sick in hospital. Back in the days, parents were not allowed to stay. And therefore the limiting belief of 'I am not worthy' was born. The child felt alone and not good enough and not loved enough by their parents: 'Because if my parents loved me, they would have not left me alone.'
But come on, we know that their was not possibility for the parent to stay with their child in hospital. That might have happened to many of us, mainly the more mature generation. Nowadays, fortunately parents don't have to leave their children alone. They can share a room in the hospital with their children.
That program was not only written and stored in that client's brain, it was stored in every cell in their body.
And so are your experiences and the meanings you gave certain events in your childhood.
During the meditation you get to rewrite the program by giving the event a different meaning. Now you are an adult and know better. So, all that's left to do, is to have a conversation about it with your Inner Child.
Studies show that through guided meditation you can get in touch with your subconscious mind and by feeding it images and sounds and connecting it with positive feelings, you rewire your brain to create new neuro-pathways which ultimately can and will change your reality.
How does it really work? When you imagine something in your mind, the brain thinks that you are or actually have experienced it and therefore creates new neural pathways. These new pathways will be stored for the future.
Like with everything, if you don?t repeat that process often enough or stop meditation all together, the pathway will disintegrate and finally disappear again. Because, it is scientifically proven that an old habit is never going to be deleted. It can only be overwritten. That is why a healthy routine is so important.
3 steps to the meditation:
1. Relax body and mind ? in a relaxed state your body is open to new experiences
2. Go on a journey back to an event ? the journey back is to connect with the earliest memory you have about a limiting belief
3. Rewrite the meaning of that event ? through changing the meaning of the event, you rewrite your future. You are not allowing yourself to be defined by the experiences of your past any longer. On the contrary, you command it to be defined by the vision you are now creating in your mind.
Imagine what it would be like if you could change the meaning of an event that has been holding you back for your whole life.
If you were not held back by anything:
What would you tell yourself?
What would you see?
What would you hear?
What would it feel like?
With that thought, I farewell you and invite you to come along to my meditation in this video.
As always,
#boundaries #LimitingBeliefs #InnerChild
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