THEN YOU NEED TO HAVE A SYSTEM IN PLACE, as system that works every single time:
The system I am giving you is a four-step process and the four steps are:
So, now that you are aware where your flaws lie and where you are letting yourself down, you can take action and really flip things around.
Focus on something positive, on a goal that you want to achieve to pull you out of your situation. To start with, it doesn?t have to be super big, just something incy wincy setting you up in the right direction. Watch the kind of clothes you are reaching for when getting dressed for the day. Dare to wear something vibrant to help your mood to be lifted and always look sharp in your appearance. Show the world, you have got this. And then there is your language. Use your words very carefully, not only out in the open but also in your self-talk. I would even say the self-talk words are super important because we check in with ourselves every single second of the day. So, use your words wisely to get you going in the right direction!
Now that you know how you have to show up to turn your negative situation around into one that serves you, there is only one thing left to do: And that one thing is to celebrate your willingness to rising above your challenge, the capability of being aware what it was that was holding you back and the commitment you took to turning it around to your advantage. To do that I invite you to either go out for a peaceful walk into nature and soak up the strength and groundedness mother earth has to offer. Or, you might prefer and meditate just by sitting in a quiet place. And as you are taking a deep breath in and out again, focus on your breath and be thankful for one breath. And then be thankful for the next breath, and the next breath and so on.
By committing to doing exercises like this on a regular basis, you actually train your mind to focus on what is useful to you, language your experiences in a powerful way and show up in a winning manner in your world. All of which will help you rise above your challenges over and over again!!!